When I found out the topic and objective for my newest digital media project I was super excited. I really like the idea of bringing a social issue to the forefront of someone's mind and kindof raise awareness and get people talking. I actually made a type of art for change in my senior year in highschool. I was going to paint an oil painting that would then be submitted into an art show at a fine arts festival held for all the schools in my school's conference. I decided to create a piece about an orginization called Love 146. Love 146 is a organization that works for the abolishment of child sex slavery and explotation. The organization was started a few years ago after its founder posed as a buyer and actually went into a child brothel. The man was led into a room that was outfitted with a two way mirror. He was looking into a room filled with young girls, all wearing red dresses and a number pinned on the front of the dress. The number was the only thing to identify the girls. All the girls were souless, listlessly staring at nothing- except one. 146. she was staring right into the mirror through the window. Maybe she was new, maybe she was a fighter. The founder wasn't able to save her, but she inspired the foundation. This story inspired me to create a piece, and that piece actually one for best oil painting in the conference show I submitted it in. I really think that art for change is important and one of my favorite things to do.

If you are interested in more information check it out here- http://love146.org
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