OK so I survived another bout with the madness that is learning a new software every two weeks.. This time it was illustrator, and I am not going to lie, I didn't learn that much :/ I mean, I knew enough to get by, but I def didn't come out of it an Illustrator genius. I guess lesson learned with this project was simplicity is always best when it comes to marketing. I mean, if a person can't get what you are trying to say immediatly then the poster won't make for an effective campaign. I also learned that asking for help may sometimes leave a bitter taste in you mouth, but it makes your work better.. so with that in mind - thanks Alanna and Kirsten for explaining how to get that stupid white box off from around my vulture :) But enough musing and Oscar acceptance speeches--

So this is my poster :) my concept was suicide. I didn't really go into this hoping to bring awareness but more to call attention to the fact that this is something everyone deals with. That is why I chose the text "we all flirt with the tiniest notion". A majority of people at one time or another have or will toy with the idea of self harm or even suicide. That is what this poster was about. Suicide isn't always commited by depressed, hopeless people. Sometimes it is people who seem ok and perfectly happy. That is why I thought it was so important to make this poster- to hopefully create a message of hope and unity :)
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