my newest digital media project is another computer based one. Our objective is to create an 11x17 poster that deals with a social issue. I also have to incorporate two lyrics from a song into the poster. I really like this project and I am excited to see how it turns out. The topic I am addressing is suicide. This is a really serious issue, that a lot of people know about. My approach to this project is less about exposing the issue to people and more about creating a message of hope and community to people who are depressed or considering any type of self harm. In class last week the class was challenged to create a peice only using two words from our lyrics that would effectively portray our topic..

That was my attempt :) I picked the words self and conclusion because that really is what suicide is- self conclusion. I am new to illustrator, that class being my first time using it ever so the poster is a little base but I like it.
ps- more to come! Not the final product, but that will be up here soon (well when I finish it).
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