17 March 2010


I have had a lot of projects that I have finished recently. I don't have time now to put them up, because I have an art class to go to, but hopefully tonight all of my followers' blog boxes will be flooded with grade-A Love, Laura blog gems :) Cheers!

06 March 2010


Self portraits. I never knew such a "simple" concept could be so loathsome. I have learned in the last week that I am incapable of drawing a representational picture of my self. But it gets better. Once I draw a representational picture, I have to draw a abstract one. and according to my teacher, I had to draw something I am afraid to draw. When I set to work on the second picture with that in mind I ended up with this:

that is what scares me. to draw something that is weird and that might fail me. It doesn't look like me, but maybe it does. It isn't finished, but I was losing momentum. It honestly, terrifies me. I guess that is the point. It is the first peice of work I am scared to turn it in for a critique. I'm terrified. I'm not used to making myself this vulnerable.. but maybe I need to do it more often? I suppose I will find out soon enough.