I rarely post anything about Digital Media on this blog.
This is bad because this is a blog for Digital Media.
So to correct this, I am going to post some stills from my stop animation movie.
My movie is about a lovable teacup
is Teacup... she doesn't have a real name, which is sad.. so if anyone has any valid ideas.. let me know :) In my movie she is making herself a cup of tea, because she is thirsty. She goes on adventure encountering surly characters such as this gentleman:
(That is the water pot- he has anger problems)
So Teacup has to brave water pots and sugar cubes to make itself tea and everything seems perfect.. or is it?
I am happy with how my project is going.. it isnt quite finished, I still have to shoot the ending, but I am confident that it will be a fun and endearing movie. I mean, come on, who can be angry after looking after this face??