03 July 2010

Moving Out

So I know for sure two people in my little blog circle already know that my parents are seperating. For the other maybe, 5 people who didn't know, you know now. My mom decided two months ago that she couldn't live the way she had been living for 23 years any more. So she asked my dad to leave. It has taken 2 months for this to actually happen. Today is the day when he officially no longer lives in my house.

I started this post thinking that I would have some elegant, long winded narrative about my life, my family, and my relationship with my dad. I honestly don't quite know what to say. I feel nothing when I think about what is happening. No emotion, no sadness, no relief. So I can't really write a post full of empty emotion. I felt I should put this out there today, because today is a big day in my life. I'm sure the emotion of this all will hit later (probably at a really horrible and inconveniant time) and then I will write a proper, overlly emotional post. But for now it is just this.


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