In the process of researching and trying to gather inspiration for various projects in the last month, I have developed a love for many new artists. One of them is a painter and illustrator named Alphonse Mucha. He was born in Moravia (which became the Czech Republic which is now a multitude of countries) in 1860. I love love love vintage art and advertisements, and his are amazing. He is one of the first people to paint in the art nouveau style. His art often depicts women and many of my favorites incorporate nature or the seasons.
White Star
The Moon
Les SaisonsI honestly think that Mucha is my favorite artist right now. I am sure my absolute favorite will change a lot, but Mucha will always be pretty high on the list. His work is beautiful, elegant, and I am a sucker for vintage art in advertisements, so I am hooked on Mucha.
Gaaaah! Absolutely beautiful...
Are these part of the art nouveau movement or something individualized?
not really sure. I think that they would be considered part of the art nouveau movement.. he made most of them around the time the movement started
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