I really want this blog to interesting and informative about me and my style and process of creating art. I thought that is would be interesting to put up some of my work from highschool on here to show my personal interests and art style. :)

This was a charcoal sketch I did for the portfolio I submitted to the UD. I originally really hated it and didn't want to do it, because I was unfamiliar with charcoal pencils. This is somewhat ironic to me because now all I draw with is charcoal. go figure.

This is what I most often did in highschool. I would find a picture in a magazine and then I would draw it. I have always aspired to be able to draw realistically, instead of going down the road of animation or more cartoon drawing.
The next two pictures are of stipple drawings that I did in highschool. I really enjoyed stippling even though it was tedious. I think the product of this techinique is beautiful and interesting.

All of these pieces were some of my more successful works from higshchool. I really enjoyed all the techniques and processes that I used in highschool and I really believe that they show my personal artisitc style