I have offically finished my first week as a sophmore in college, and I could not be more hopeful for this year. I have had at least on class of all the courses I am taking and they all seem great. My World Civilization class will seemingly blend both the complex and the interesting in a way that I will have to work hard to learn but will be so rewarding in the end that I will see no hardship in the labor. My art classes all seem interesting, challenging, yet perfect. Ceramics is comforting because I have some experiance in clay but I am excited to learn new techniques build my creative vocabulary. Printmaking is both exciting and intimidating. I have done printmaking before so that is a comfort. But I have never worked with presses (or acid, for that matter). My teacher is also a source of trepidition. She is nice but seems very demanding which, while it is a little scary, is something that I think I really need. I need to be challenged and pushed. I want to create exceptional work this year, a build up a stunning portfolio so that I could hopefully get a sweet scholarship to grad school.
My photo and video class is shaping up to be my favorite art class this semester. No matter what else I convince myself that I love, photography always creeps back into my heart. I guess I am worried because photography often feels like the "cool" thing to do and so many people do it. Not that I am trying to be singular or unique I just feel like many jobs for photographers are vied for and photography for many people is being played out. With all that aside I really do love the class. The teacher reminds me of one of my favorite teachers in highschool so that alone brings a comfort level and sense of familiarity to the class that makes me happy. I am excited of the prospect of making videos as well. I always thought videography was so interesting and I am excited to have the opportunity to try my hand at it. One of my secret big goals is to have a short movie submitted and accepted into some kind of film festival. the Black Maria Film Festival last year inspired me so much and I would love to be able to create work worthy of such an honor.
My final class will probably be my absolute favorite of the semester. When I first signed up for Music Appreciation I wasn't expecting much. My teacher shattered any small ideas of what I thought Iwould be doing. He is funny, interesting, and makes you participate. The two classes I have had of this class of flown by and I can only hope that every music class goes as smoothly. I am so excited to learn more about classical music and be able to intelligently discuss it.
So over all I am super optimistic about this school year. I am really going to make a hard effort to do well and work hard and make awesomely amazing work. I also hope to update the blog more than I did last year :)